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Planting Rambutans Tree at Home

Rambutan with the Latin name is Nephelium sp. Is the fruit of horticultural plants a tree with family Sapindacaeae. This tropical fruit plants called Hairy Fruit comes from Indonesia. Until now it has spread outside in tropical areas such as the Philippines and the countries of Latin America and is found in the mainland which has a sub-tropical climate.

Planting Indonesian Water Guava at Home Yard

Guava fruit comes from the Indo China and Indonesia, spread to Malaysia and the islands of the Pacific. During the guava fruit is concentrated as garden plants home for family consumption. Guava fruit water is not only sweet but also refreshing, but also vary in appearance.

Mango tree to the home page

Mangoes an annual fruit crop in the form of a tree native of India. The plant then spread to Southeast Asia, including Malaysia and Indonesia. Botanical classification of mango plants are as follows:

Sapodilla Tree Planting at Home

Sapodilla fruit planting can be done home page, but on the determination of cropping pattern in order to get good fruit, sapodilla fruit planted in the garden is more appropriate. for planting is not only done by one or two trees, but can be done in large numbers.

Dragon Fruit Plant at Home

      Dragon fruit has long been recognized by the ancient Chinese society as a fruit which brings blessings. Dragon fruit is usually placed between the dragon statues on the altar. Therefore, in the Vietnamese refer to as Thang Loy dragon fruit in Thailand and given the name Keaw Kheon Mang, the term England named Dragon Fruit clan, in Indonesia known as the actual NAGA BUM fruit plant is not native to the Asian continent, but it comes from Mexico. Areas of Mexico, dragon fruit called Pitahaya usual. This fruit into Indonesia the first time around 2000 year, that imported from Thailand.

Indonesian Sapodilla Fruit

Sapodilla fruit or called Sapodilas or Neesbery is a fruit plant that comes from Guatemala, Mexico, and western America, in Indonesia brown plant has long been known and widely planted, ranging from lowland to a place with an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level, such as in Java, Sumatra, and Madura.

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