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Planting Rambutans Tree at Home

Rambutan with the Latin name is Nephelium sp. Is the fruit of horticultural plants a tree with family Sapindacaeae. This tropical fruit plants called Hairy Fruit comes from Indonesia. Until now it has spread outside in tropical areas such as the Philippines and the countries of Latin America and is found in the mainland which has a sub-tropical climate.

From the survey that was conducted there are 22 types of rambutan, both derived from pure strains and results of grafting or merging of two types with different kind. The characteristics that most distinguish each type are from the texture of its fruit (of pulp, water content, shape, skin color, hair length).

Rambutan fruit crops cultivated for its fruit that have utilized nutrition, starch, which is a type of glucose dissolved in water, the substance of protein and amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals macro, micro healthy for those who eat it, but there are also some communities which utilizes a rambutan tree in the yard protector, as an ornamental plant, and air conditioning around the yard. You are interested in plant house or yard?

Terms growing rambutan can be described as follows:
The climate, good climate for growing fruit rambutan in tropical and sub-tropical climate, because in the cultivation of fruit rambutan tree has the following requirements :
  1.   In the rambutans wind role in pollinating flowers to breed,
  2.   The intensity of rainfall is good for rambutan trees ranged between 1500-2500 mm per year and evenly throughout the year,
  3.   The sun should be about the entire planting area since he rose to drown, because the intensity of the sun rays associated with environmental temperature.
  4.   rambutan fruit trees can grow and bear fruit optimally at temperatures around 25 degrees C during the day. Lack of sunlight can cause a  decrease in yield or less perfect (flat pieces).
  5.   The required humidity tends to be low because most grown in the lowlands and moderate. If the air has a low humidity, mean dry air due to poor water vapor. These conditions are suitable for the growth of rambutan fruit trees.

Terms of rambutan tree planting medium for which
  1.   Rambutan fruit trees grow well in soil that is fertile and crumbly and slightly contains sand, and can grow well on soils high in organic matter or on the ground that the state of clay and a little gritty.
  2.   The degree of acidity (pH) is not too much different from other plantation crops in Indonesia, from 6 - 6, 7 and if less than 5.5 should be done prior to calcification.
  3.   The water content in the soil that ideal for planting rambutan trees in depth among 100 - 150 cm of the soil surface.
  4.   rambutan tree does not depend on the location and condition of the ground, because the ground state can be formed in accordance with the procedures proper planting (made beds) in accordance with the instructions.
  5.   Rambutan can thrive in the lowlands with a height of between 30-500 meters above sea level.

Breeding, Seed requirements are taken usually selected from the seeds of which are favored by the public, including you among others: Rapiah Rambutan, Rambutan Aceh, Lebak machinations, Cimacan Rambutan, Rambutan, Rambutan Sinyonya.

Media Preparation Plant, choose fertile soil, the soil conditions of the area to avoid too tough and did not have good air circulation, although the hilly areas but fertile land by creating swales (terracing), in the section
steep, then for loosening the soil needs to be dug to a depth of about 30 cm evenly.

Liming, in the plains from the pond and also the newly formed plains cannot be planted, the soil is acidic besides also not too fertile, after the holes were dug by the size of the planting in the garden and basically sprinkled lime to neutralize as much as 0.5 liters soil pH to 6 to 6.7 as a requirement in order to achieve the growth of trees
rambutan, after one week of sowing lime manure into the soil so fertile.

Fertilization, after a period of 1 week of giving lime in your house or yard hole that has been determined then provide manure as much as 25 kg (approximately 1
tin) and after 1 week of the new land ready for planting seeds that have become rambutan.

Seed removal, rambutan tree planting to land, means of transporting seeds have germinated or in graft or grafted can be done by opening the plastic attached to the planting media with caution and not to be damaged roots, and
hoe done about 5 cm and so that grow lot root, the root of stump should be cut a little to keep evaporation, then the width of the leaves cut in half and attached pieces left, serves as a backup of food before it can receive food from the new land. And planted in soil beds with a distance of 30-40 cm with other plants or other obstacles such as walls porch etc, and covered with a sloping roof mounted higher in the East with more hope of contact with the eyes of the morning light.

Plant Maintenance, after we planted into the ground in the yard of our house, then that is no less important is memeliharanyanya to grow large and fruitful.

Thinning, Because the soil is loose and has other plants will grow back
especially weeds (weeds), such as grasses and must be weeded up to a radius of 1-2 m around the rambutan tree. If during the first month of the seedlings do not grow properly immediate replacement of the seed reserves.

Crumbly, in order to get a rambutan tree canopy of lush, after a 2-year-old plants soon be
Crumbly trimming at the end of the branches. In addition to obtaining a balanced canopy is also useful to give the form of plants, multiply and organize production for plants maintained. Pruning is also necessary in addition to fruit harvest ends with the hope of emerging new editorials as the emergence of new interest in the next harvest season and the subsequent results can be increased

Fertilization, soil fertility rambutan trees that remain stable should be given fertilizer on a regular basis with the rules:
  1.   In the second year after planting is given to trees with a mixture of 30 kg of manure, 50 kg TSP, 100 grams of urea and 20 germ ZK by digging around the tree as deep as 30 cm in width between 40-50 cm, then sprinkle the fertilizer mixture and cover again with the previously excavated soil.
  2.   The following year dose of fertilizer should be added to the composition of manure 50 kg, 60 kg TSP, 150 g of urea and 250 g ZK fertilization same manner.

Irrigation and watering, during the first two weeks after the seedlings from cuttings or grafting plants, watering is done twice a day, morning and afternoon. And the following week’s watering can reduced to once a day.
If the rambutan tree has grown stronger watering frequency can be reduced more can be done in times of need alone. When rain hard around the plants cultivated, in order not stagnant water we have to make a hole channel to drain the water.

Pesticide Spraying time, to prevent the growth of disease or pests due to weather conditions or vermin it is necessary to pesticide spraying is done between 15-20 days before harvest and also if the humidity is too high will grow fungus, when the rainy season began arriving need to be sprayed fungicide several times during the rainy season lasts

HARVEST, characteristics of ripe fruit Rambutan fruit look red or greenish yellow adjusted to the type of existing rambutan, also can smell it, and the last to feel the ripe rambutan compared with rambutan
immature, it is certain that the harvesting is done between the months of November to February, may also be affected dry season or rainy season.

The best way to harvest is picked along tungkalnya ripe (only ripe) as well as trimming the tree so as not damaged. Pruning is done at a time of harvest, in order to sprout again quickly and fruitful if not affordable picking can be done by using a pole to mengkait rambutan fruit stalk correctly.


  1. Sir, Greetings from Kerala, India! I would like to know about ramputan cultivation. What should be the spacing between plants? Are only bud plants okay? If the sunlight does not fall directly i.e. sideways, will it affect the productivity? (I mean,If there are very tall trees, can we plant ramputan under them or if a bit of shade falls on them from the neighbours tees?)

    I will appreciate your response. My email is danielmamachan205@gmail.com

    Kind regards,

    Mamachan Daniel



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