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Planting Indonesian Water Guava at Home Yard

Guava fruit comes from the Indo China and Indonesia, spread to Malaysia and the islands of the Pacific. During the guava fruit is concentrated as garden plants home for family consumption. Guava fruit water is not only sweet but also refreshing, but also vary in appearance.

Rose water with the Latin name Eugenia Burm aquea can be categorized as one of the potential types of fruits that have not been cultivated for commercial purposes. Perishable nature becomes an important issue that needs to be solved. The fruit can be said to be skinned, then just a little damaged on the surface of the fruit can accelerate the decay of the fruit.

There are two types of rose water are widely grown, but both are more similarities. Both types are:

  1.      Syzygium quaeum or pink urine and
  2.      Syzygium samarangense (guava bowel).

Kinds of large water rose namely: Semarang guava, guava Madura, guava Candles (super sweet), cashew apples and Cincalo (red and green or white) and the types of guava others are: guava Camplong (Bangkalan), Buttons, Rose (pink Kraton), Sukaluyu, Baron, Shocked, Rojak, Neem, Bell (super heavy), and Manalagi (seedless). While most commercial varieties are Cincalo and Semarang, which each consist of two kinds (red and white).

In general, the rose water guava  fresh eaten, but can also be made to be puree, syrup, jelly, jam or other preserves shape. In addition to the "fruit of the table" pink water also has become a sophisticated meal with lettuce and fruit cocktail made.

Important chemical constituents of a rose apple is sugar and vitamin C. Seeing the benefits and ease of Indonesia there is no harm in nature grow this fruit of your choice as fruit trees shade your house, to see how to plant, here we review one by one.

Terms grows guava fruit crops, climate air: Wind all the time, the wind was instrumental in cultivating the water rose. Wind function in helping to pollinate the flowers.

Guava plants will grow well in areas with low rainfall or dry about 500-3000 mm per year and the dry season is more than 4 months, with these conditions; the water rose will grow with good quality fruit with a sweeter taste.

Solar lighting effect on the quality of the fruit will be produced. The ideal light intensity in the growth of rose water is 40-80%. Temperature suitable for the growth of plants rose water is 18-28 degrees C, humidity between 50-80%.
If all been conditioned, then how to plant it, here is planting techniques of guavas fruit tree correctly.

Growing Media, land suitable for guava fruit plants are fertile soil, loose, high in organic matter.
The degree of soil acidity (pH) which is suitable as a growing medium for guava water is 5, 5 - 7, 5.

The depth of the water content are ideal for the cultivation of a guava fruit is 0-50 cm; 50-150 cm and 150-200 cm. Excellent guava plants grown on flat land.
Altitude, guava plant has a large enough power adaptation in tropical environments from lowlands to high, at 1,000 m above sea level

Then Requirements Seeds or seedlings, seeds derived from a superior kind, has been outstanding for more than 15 years, productive and stable production. Seeds derived from ripe fruit trees, the magnitude of the normal and smooth.
Blow-dry seeds for 1-3 days in the shade. The seeds are eligible is large, uniform size, pithy and not disabled, it is recommended in receipts rose apple fruit seeds or grafting the grafts, in addition to easier, faster way to produce fruit

Seed preparation, not from seed :
a. Seeds Enten (grafting), the model best connection is the connection gap. Root stock
derived from the results of hatchery seed by seed aged 10 years, are derived from the mother plant shoots ahead. Once connected seedlings maintained for 2-3 months

b. Transplant seedlings, which will be made graft branches are in the productive and superior plants, selected branches are not too old or young, green color grayish or brownish with a diameter of at least 1.5 cm. After 2 - 2.5 months already rooted cuttings, seeds and planted immediately cut di polybag with mixed media: manure 1: 1. Seed maintained for 1 month before being transferred to the home page of land,

Planting techniques, further planting guava fruit can be done in pots or in the yard at your home, if that is used is the planting of seedlings transplanted stem deeper so that the tree can grow stronger.
Whole Making Plant, the planting hole should be made at the end of the dry season or before the rainy season, so that at the approach of the rainy season, the plants can stand. Thus the planting (the rainy season) does not need to be watered 2 times a day.

Preparation of the plant hole consists of:
a) At first, the excavated soil at the appointed place;
b) The size of the hole length x width x in = 60 x 60 x 60 cm.
c) How to planting, seedlings planted guava fruit into the planting hole measuring 60 x 60 x 60 cm. Please note the depth of planting and planting time should be exactly at the beginning of the rainy season and in the afternoon.

Maintenance breeding and seeding
Maintenance breeding is done in the following way:
a) Watering is done 1-2 times a day, especially if dry.
b) Weeding is done in accordance with the growth of weeds.
c) Fertilization every 3 months with urea, SP-36 and KCl (2: 1) as 50-100gram per meter or 4 grams per polybag.
d) Spraying pesticides with a concentration of 30-50% of the recommended dose.
e) Open the lid if the weather is sunny gradually so that plants can adapt to the garden environment.

Irrigation and Watering, guava fruit plants that live in the soil to a depth of ground water is 1.5 to 2 meters, the dry season require watering, so that the soil remains moist. While still young, during the first 2 weeks of the young plants need to be watered 1-2 times a day. If you have a large enough and its roots in, the plants watered 10-12 times a month.

Prune aims to form a tree, tree shape maintenance and rejuvenation is done after the tree reaches a height of 2 meters, and the part which is a branch pruned shoots. For maintenance performed at any time except when the plants are flowering, the trimmed part is the old branches, dry dead, wounded and imperfect.
Characteristics and Harvest, guava plants can bear fruit after 3-4 years of age, flowering 2 times a year (July and September) and the fruits ripen in August and November. Characteristics of fruit that can be harvested seen from the level of maturity based on the fruit skin color, ie light green, dark green, slightly red green red green red and green. The physical state of the fruit is also a criterion in the harvest, which is increasingly seen ripe fruit appears, the more red the color of his skin and the greater the physical size.

How to harvest water guava fruit is plucked from the stem by careful not to be broken, let alone fall. Period of guava fruit can be more than 1 times a year, depending on the state of the environment.

Thus, may be useful safely home page of your own gardening


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