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Sapodilla Tree Planting at Home

Sapodilla fruit planting can be done home page, but on the determination of cropping pattern in order to get good fruit, sapodilla fruit planted in the garden is more appropriate. for planting is not only done by one or two trees, but can be done in large numbers.

Sapodilla fruit crops can be grown in the garden of a large house with a wide canopy. Given this it is the sapodilla fruit planting should be done at a distance that is not too tight between one plant to another plant. Spacing for sapodilla tree which is considered sufficient is 12 x 12 meters.

With spacing like this, between the sapodilla fruit crops or other plants do not touch that can interfere with the growth of your Sapodilla fruit crops. Planting should be done during the rainy season.

Make the hole Planting, making holes for planting intended to create a better environment for seeds to be planted. Thus the planting soil in the planting hole should be loose, because the system is still weak rooting seedlings.

Planting hole for sapodilla can be made with a size of 60 x 60 x 60 centimeters, dugouts top ± 30 cm apart with the lower ground. Then the soil is mixed with manure as much as 20 kg until blended. Manure is very serves as a basic fertilizer. During the 2 weeks planting hole is left dried sunlight. When the seedlings are ready, can be directly planted in the prepared hole.

However, if the seed is not ready for planting, the soil excavation bottom is returned to the bottom and top soil excavation returned to the top, as a sign that in that place there is the planting hole, can be marked with wooden plugged dilubang that we created earlier. Once the seedlings are ready for planting, the planting hole we dug again.

Planting way, before planting, wrapping (poly) must be removed carefully so as not to clutter the soil and plant roots are not damaged. Planting deep roots neck upright in the middle of the planting hole. then enter the upper soil excavated first, then followed by the bottom of the excavated soil. The soil around the plant roots are compressed so that no air holes that can complicate the roots in search of food.

Fertilization can be given 250-500 grams of urea per tree annually, before the plant sapodilla fruit. Fertilization is intended to stimulate the growth of stems and leaves, because urea is a source of nutrients that work for stimulating the growth of stems and leaves of plants sapodilla fruit.

If the plant was time to bear fruit, approximately 4-year-old, using a fertilizer with NPK compound fertilizer ie (10-20-15) the content of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) height of 500 grams per tree annually. If no NPK can be replaced by urea, DS, and KCl were 108 grams, 277 grams, and 144 grams. P element for plant serves to accelerate flowering, while the elements of the K function to keep the flowers and fruits are not easily fall.

The amount of fertilizer is gradually increased up to 2 kg / tree per year for sapodilla fruit crops that have been aged 15 years. In addition to urea and NPK are given, should also be given the manure as much as 10 kg / tree for improving soil structure. Advanced fertilizer application is done twice in one year, ie when the start and end of the rainy season, the dose given half of those mentioned above.

How the fertilizer by sprinkling fertilizer into the ditch around the bottom of the circle around the tree canopy with a width and depth of approximately 10 cm. Can also be planted in 4 holes under the tree canopy measuring 20 cm x 20cm x 20cm for each hole.

Watering, at the beginning of the sapodilla fruit plants begin life, watering should be done at least once every two weeks when there is no rain. The supply of water to the sapodilla fruit plants should be done until the plants was 3 s / d 4 years. The older the plant, the more resistant to drought. Lack of water during the sapodilla fruit plants flowering or fruiting again can lead easily fall flowers or fruit. Provision of regular water will produce fruit with good quantity and quality.

Characteristics and Harvest, sapodilla plants cultivated by grafting can produce fruit only up to 3-5 years, while that through grafting can produce between 5-6 years.
Sapodilla fruit ripe sometimes in unison so that harvesting can be done gradually by choosing pieces that have demonstrated the physical characteristics to be harvested (old). The characteristics of sapodilla fruit that is old is the maximum fruit size, light brown skin, flesh a little bit soft, when plucked
easily detached from the stem, and relatively little gummy. Picking fruit is still too young should be avoided due to long storage time for its
incubation and taste the fruit becomes sweeter (astringent).

So good luck plant sapodilla fruit trees, little trees we plant will help restore the air quality of the earth in which we live.


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